Celebrations for pupils as GCSE results continue to soar

Results day 2024 has been another occasion of celebration for pupils and Catholic maintained schools. In a year where it was warned grades may dip, many schools have achieved record breaking results and will continue to be the highest performing in the non-selective sector.
Celebrations for pupils as GCSE results continue to soar

Results day 2024 has been another occasion of celebration for pupils and Catholic maintained schools. In a year where it was warned grades may dip, many schools have achieved record breaking results and will continue to be the highest performing in the non-selective sector.

Eve Bremner, Chief Executive, said:

“I am extremely proud of all our pupils’ for their hard work and resilience, as well as our schools for supporting them to achieve their maximum potential.

It was a pleasure to spend time with students and to share in their excitement for the future. Just as importantly, it was uplifting to see the emphasis our schools place on young people being kind and caring, and the support they are providing to help them choose the best path to realise their goals and ambitions.

Our sector is proudly all ability and underpinned by the ethos that all pupils should be celebrated and encouraged. I believe these results will again demonstrate that our sector provides exceptional teaching and learning, as well as outstanding support for children with additional needs and those who have had to overcome significant barriers.

Congratulations again to everyone on your achievements.”

Celebrations for pupils as GCSE results continue to soarCelebrations for pupils as GCSE results continue to soarCelebrations for pupils as GCSE results continue to soar
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CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
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