Grandparent’s Day is celebrated in St James’

As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.
Grandparent’s Day is celebrated in St James’

As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.

For preparation the children did portraits of their grandparents and one in particular stood out…..

Congratulations to Lilyrose Tully on her portrait of her granny.

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Staff and pupils at St Kevin’s College, Lisnaskea, were delighted to be joined by Bishop Duffy for a Farewell Mass and Blessing for the pupils and staff embarking on their Faith Trip to Kenya this Monday 20th January and to kick of Catholic Schools W
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