National Awards for Pastoral Care - Entries Welcomed

The deadline for the fifth annual National Awards for Pastoral care in Education is just one month away.
National Awards for Pastoral Care - Entries Welcomed

Enter NAPCE Awards 2024 Now!
Deadline: Friday 19th April 2024

The deadline for the fifth annual National Awards for Pastoral care in Education is just one month away.

Enter here:

As the Northern Ireland representative for the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE) can I bring to your attention the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education. This is the only scheme to recognise the outstanding achievements of pastoral care staff, programmes and institutions across the education sector so I urge you to submit an entry to showcase and gain recognition for your school for the excellent work it delivers.

  • You do not need to be a member of NAPCE to enter.
  • You can self-nominate.
  • Max750 words to describe your entry
  • A school can submit multiple entries.

There are 8 categories.

Pastoral School of the Year
A school that can demonstrate a commitment to pastoral care and support for learners that makes a real difference in the progress and personal development of young people in the school.

Pastoral Team of the Year
A team that works in pastoral care and can demonstrate a determination to support young people to achieve their full potential and a positive impact on the young people they work with.
Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year
A member of staff who works in pastoral care and who always makes the extra effort to support young people to enable them to become effective learners and achieve success.
Pastoral Leader of the Year
Has a passion for pastoral care that is shared with colleagues to inspire and motivate them to make a real difference in the lives of the young people they work with.
Pastoral Development of the Year
A pastoral initiative or idea that has achieved positive outcomes and has improved the learning experience and future life chances, for young people.
Raising Awareness about Pastoral Care
An individual, group or organisation who through their actions have raised awareness about pastoral care or pastoral issues and encouraged positive improvements for the benefit of young people.
Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care
A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care.
International Contribution to Pastoral Care
An international school, organisation or individual outside of the UK, that has promoted or delivered high quality pastoral care

In addition to the enormous prestige of having a National Award, winners will receive a £100 cash prize. Finalists, sponsors and dignitaries will be invited to attend a presentation event in October 2024.

Application process is very straight forward, it requires MAX 750 words to complete, You do NOT need to be a member of NAPCE to apply, you do NOT need to be nominated, self-nomination is common practice.

Closing date for entries:Friday 19th April 2024

To enter:

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CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
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