St Conor’s Primary School, Omagh have made sure that they are going all out to celebrate 50 years since the school’s opening.
Festivities kicked off in the Sacred Heart Church, celebrated by Bishop Donal McKeown, when well over a thousand people packed the pews for the 50-year anniversary mass.
This momentous anniversary will also be celebrated with fun days, school shows, reunions, memory lane tours, and just about every other means possible!
In a statement, Ms Katrina McGettigan, Principal said,
“Our guiding goal is to make a difference for all our pupils, to ensure each and every one is valued, and to help them be the best that they can be, both now and in the future.
I am lucky to have the backing of a team of staff that are both experienced and supportive, and who make my job so much easier.
Without our wonderful staff this school, along with the support of our governors and wider school community, we would never have been able to cultivate the caring, nurturing, inclusive environment that you see here today.”