St Mary’s Star of the Sea is proud to be awarded the Autism NI Impact Award

The staff in St. Mary's Star of the Sea Primary School, Belfast are committed to inclusion and for every child to flourish in their learning environment.
St Mary’s Star of the Sea is proud to be awarded the Autism NI Impact Award

The staff in St. Mary's Star of the Sea Primary School, Belfast are committed to inclusion and for every child to flourish in their learning environment. Each member of staff received training from Autism NI and, as a school, they achieved an Autism NI Impact Award for their implementation of reasonable adjustments in line with the Autism (Amended) Act 2022.

Here are some of the ways they are working together to deliver better outcomes for the children in their care:

  • The removal of the school bell and addition of adjustable lighting for children with sensory issues.
  • A state of the art sensory room.
  • A sensory trail for indoor movement breaks.
  • Visual time tables in each room for predictability and routine.
  • Each staff member wears a lanyard with visual cues to aid communication.
  • A wonderful outdoor play area which includes an eco area, mud kitchen, climbing frames and a loose parts boutique.

This year St. Mary's Star of the Sea established a Specialist Provision in Mainstream class (SPiM) supporting children with Social and Communication needs in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. This has been a great success and the children thrive in their new setting. The staff believe in the importance of integration and the children often play, learn and socialise with children from mainstream classes.

The whole school are looking forward to opening their Key Stage 2 SPiM in September 2024 to continue to support children with social and communication needs.

The Principal, Mr Gerard Barrett and staff are delighted to have achieved this award and will continue to go above and beyond for the children in their care.

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