St Patrick’s celebrates ‘Catholic Schools Week’

To celebrate ‘Catholic Schools Week’ one of the P5 classes in St Patrick’s Primary School, Newry lead a beautiful assembly on grandparents and service in the community.
St Patrick’s celebrates ‘Catholic Schools Week’

To celebrate ‘Catholic Schools Week’ one of the P5 classes in St Patrick’s Primary School, Newry lead a beautiful assembly on grandparents and service in the community.

The children read and dramatized a beautiful poem about how to follow in Jesus' footsteps in their community. They made gorgeous cards for their grandparents and presented them to them at the assembly. At the end, they sang a fantastic song about showing kindness and had the whole school joining in!

A very uplifting experience for everyone involved.

St Patrick’s celebrates ‘Catholic Schools Week’St Patrick’s celebrates ‘Catholic Schools Week’
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As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.
St Mary's Primary School, Aughlisnafin were presented with a cheque for £1,500 from Tesco's, Newcastle.
CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
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