Council Members

There are 36 Council members who oversee and authorise the strategic and operational policies and practices of CCMS.

Council members are appointed for the duration of each Council period for four years. Membership to the Council is by appointment and recommendation.

There are four categories of Council members

  • Trustee representatives - Members are recommended by the Northern Bishops.
  • Department of Education representatives - Membership is advertised through the press for these positions.
  • Parents representatives - Members are drawn from local community on a voluntary basis.
  • Teachers representatives - Members are drawn from teaching community on a voluntary basis.

Council members receive payment for travelling and incurred costs only. A full list of current can be found below:

Trustee Representatives

Very Reverend Lawrence Boyle PP VF
Mrs. Patricia Carville OBE
Father John Chester PP
Dr. Bob Cummings
Very Reverend Dean Kevin Donaghy PP VG
Reverend Paul Farren
Reverend Dr. Paul Fleming
Reverend Gerard Fox
Dame Geraldine Keegan DBE
Mr. Pat McCartan, CBE
Mr. Tony McCusker
Reverend Donal McKeown DD
Mrs. Deirdre McNally
Mrs. Catherine O Neill
Right Reverend Monsignor Peter O Reilly PP VG
Most Reverend Michael Router DD
Mrs. Diane Russell
Mrs. Anne Scott
Mrs. Martha Smyth
Sister Eithne Woulfe
Department of Education Representatives
Mr. John Allen
Mr. James Beatty
Dr. Patricia Corrigan
Mr. Hugh Cox
Dr. Ana Kerr
Dr. Mary McIlvor
Mrs. Maxine Murphy-Higgins
Ms. Nuala Toman
Parent Representatives
Ms. Ciara Faloona
Ms. Ciara Farry
Ms. Wendy Gibbons
Dr. Justin Quinn
Teacher Representatives
Mr. Justin McCormick
Mr. Eamonn McDowell
Mr. Brian McGale
Ms. Therez McGuigan

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Results day 2024 has been another occasion of celebration for pupils and Catholic maintained schools. In a year where it was warned grades may dip, many schools have achieved record breaking results and will continue to be the highest performing in t
CCMS Director of Education, Michael Keenan, had the pleasure of joining with students, Principal Mr Ciaran Johnston, Chair of Board and Governors and staff of Holy Cross College, Strabane, to celebrate A-Level and AS Level results today.
CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
© 2024 Council For Catholic Maintained Schools