Staff and pupils at St Kevin’s College, Lisnaskea, were delighted to be joined by Bishop Duffy for a Farewell Mass and Blessing for the pupils and staff embarking on their Faith Trip to Kenya this Monday 20th January and to kick of Catholic Schools Week. For over a year now, pupils and staff have taken part in Carlo Acutis Faith Group, they chose to name the group after Blessed Carlo Acutis as they found him a relatable and inspirational role model. The group has built relationships with the boys and staff of St Joseph's Seminary School in Kitui, Kenya and on Monday will finally board flights for Africa. The Mass celebrated all their hard work, the generosity of the local community in their fundraising efforts and the life and message of Carlo Acutis, as well as Catholic Schools Week.
On Monday 13th January 2025 – 760 Pupils and 120 Staff Attended a Mass of Celebration in Holy Cross Church, Lisnaskea for the 22 St Kevin’s College Pupils who are travelling to Kenya next week for Catholic Schools Week. The 22 Pupils travelling to Kenya are the Senior Members of the St Kevin’s College Faith Group. The Senior Pupils will be travelling to Kitui Kenya were they will be working in St Joseph’s Secondary School in Kitui. The students will spend 12 days working in St Joseph’s School were they plan to teach the African Pupils about the traditions and culture of Ireland. Members of the St Kevin’s Tradition Irish Music Group will be travelling and they will be performing for the Clergy, Staff and Pupils of St Joseph’s School and the Diocese of Kitui. The Students have all fund raised several thousand pounds for Kitui and they also plan to bring 20 Laptops to donate to the students in Kenya. The Music Department in St Kevin’s will also be teaching the Students in Kitui a few Irish Songs on various Musical Instruments which they will be donating to the school. And of course they will be teaching the Students and Staff of Kitui how to play Gaelic Football.
The students will be travelling to Kitui Kenya for Catholic Schools week. Principal, Mr Kelly, said the theme of Catholic Schools Week is ‘Alive in Christ’. These students are true ambassadors for Christ they have worked extremely hard in the last year preparing for the trip to Kenya. They have worked in the local primary schools promoting the faith, they have worked in their parishes and they have worked in St Kevin’s College all in preparation for this trip. They have fund raised over £20,000 for this Trip and their efforts are a true example of Young People Alive in Christ. Mr Kelly went on and stated that Pope Francis said “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!”
Mr Kelly went on to say it was a great honour that Bishop Larry Duffy (Bishop of Clogher) came to and celebrated this special mass for the Young People travelling to Africa for Catholic Schools week. Bishop Larry spent 4 years of his life working in Kenya had some fantastic insights to the life and work of the Church in Africa.
Mr Kelly went on to say the students and school would also like to say a Big Thank You to Canon Jimmy McPhillips who has been working with the St Kevin’s Faith Group for the last year. Canon Jimmy McPhillips will be joining the pupils and staff on their faith trip to Africa. St Kevin’s would also like to thank Fr Brendan Gallagher, Fr John Chester and Fr Gabriel Dolan who all joined the students for this special mass. It’s great to see such faith development among the young like this.