Area Planning

What is Area Planning?

Area Planning is about having the right number and types of primary and post primary schools, in the right places, so children are attending schools that are sustainable. It is a cross sectoral process that CCMS delivers in collaboration with the Education Authority and other sectoral bodies, that is driven by the Department of Education's Sustainable Schools Policy.

When schools are sustainable, they can give their pupils access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Too many schools means the available resources are spread more thinly across the system.

Click here for frequently asked questions and answers.

What does it involve?

To make a change to school provision (e.g. expansion, amalgamation, closure etc.) a 'Development Proposal' must be consulted upon and submitted by the school's planning authority to the Department of Education.

CCMS is the planning authority for Catholic maintained schools.

The decision to approve or reject a proposal rests with the Department of Education. Details of Development Proposal decisions are published at

Key Documents

Schools for the future - A policy for sustainable schools

Planning for Sustainable Provision: Strategic Area Plan 2022-27 (Primary and Post-Primary Schools)

Planning for Sustainable Provision: Operational Plan 2: 2024-2026

Planning for Sustainable Provision: Operational Plan 1: 2022-2024

Planning for Special Education Provision: Strategic Area Plan 2022-27 (Special Schools and Specialist Provision in
Mainstream Primary and Post-Primary Schools)

Area Planning Summary

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As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.
St Mary's Primary School, Aughlisnafin were presented with a cheque for £1,500 from Tesco's, Newcastle.
Staff and pupils at St Kevin’s College, Lisnaskea, were delighted to be joined by Bishop Duffy for a Farewell Mass and Blessing for the pupils and staff embarking on their Faith Trip to Kenya this Monday 20th January and to kick of Catholic Schools W
CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
© 2025 Council For Catholic Maintained Schools