Organisational Structure

The mission of CCMS is to lead, empower and influence the Catholic maintained sector
in strengthening its distinctive and positive contribution to building a fair and just

Our aim is to deliver an effective and efficient service that is highly valued and respected. In
so doing, helping to influence key issues that matter on behalf of our trustees, schools,
pupils, their families, parishes and the wider community.

We put a child-centred, holistic vision at the heart of everything we do. The different
functions of CCMS play a role in making sure that we are set up to support our schools and
proactively improve the educational outcomes of children

The Council
The Council is currently made up of thirty-six members. Twenty members were appointed
by The Trustees; eight appointees are from DE, four teacher representatives were selected
and four parent representatives were chosen from the Board of Governors.
Council members oversee and authorise the strategic and operational policies and
procedures of CCMS. They also take an overview of the work undertaken by the other subcommittees
A full list of all our Council Members can be found here

Senior Leadership Team
The Senior Leadership team is responsible for deciding the strategic direction of the
organisation and ensuring the aims and objectives of the Corporate and Operating Plans are
achieved. The Senior Leadership Team comprises the Chief Executive and four Directors
who each have responsibility for an organisational division.
Chief Executive – Eve Bremner
Director of Planning and School Provision – Majella Corrigan
Director of Workforce Planning and Governance – Eugene O’Neill
Director of Education – Michael Keenan

Our Departments

Chief Executives Office
Planning and School Provision Building and Development
Area Planning
Workforce Planning and Governance Finance and Governance
Human Resources
Education Educational Standards
Localities Admin Support

Click on link for further information.

No events found
As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.
St Mary's Primary School, Aughlisnafin were presented with a cheque for £1,500 from Tesco's, Newcastle.
Staff and pupils at St Kevin’s College, Lisnaskea, were delighted to be joined by Bishop Duffy for a Farewell Mass and Blessing for the pupils and staff embarking on their Faith Trip to Kenya this Monday 20th January and to kick of Catholic Schools W
CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
© 2025 Council For Catholic Maintained Schools