For Principals / Governors

Our support for schools

CCMS can offer advice and guidance to enable school leaders and Boards of Governors to implement the appropriate procedures or policies within their school.

Schools are asked to first review the downloads below and our FAQs for answers to a number of common questions; as well as our Publications and Circulars page.

Please contact us if there are other FAQs we could add to this document.

Boards of Governors

Boards of Governors consist of governors in Catholic maintained schools are made up of the following membership:

  • Trustee governor: Normally nominated by the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Diocese. Normally appointed to Maintained and controlled integrated schools only*.
  • Education Authority governor: Appointed by EA. Apply here.
  • Department of Education governor: Nominated or appointed by DE as appropriate to a range of schools. Apply here.
  • Parent governor: Elected by parents of pupils at the school.
  • Teacher governor: Elected by the teaching staff at the school.
  • Principal: Non-voting executive member of board of governors and normally Secretary to the board of governors although this is not mandatory.

Boards of Governors are usually reconstituted every four years. The process for the reconstitution of Boards of Governors for the next term of office (2024-2028) was initiated by the Department of Education in October 2023.

Teaching Appointment Scheme & Fair Employment

The CCMS Appointment Schemes set out the policy and procedures which must be adhered to in the recruitment and selection employed by Catholic maintained schools in Northern Ireland.

From 12 May 2024, under the requirements of the Fair Employment (School Teachers) Act (NI) 2022, it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of religious or philosophical belief or political opinion in respect to all aspects of the employment of teachers in schools in Northern Ireland, including recruitment and selection for promotion.

CCMS has developed guidance for schools and has updated its Principal & Vice Principal Appointment Schemeand its Teachers' Appointment Scheme and recruitment procedures to reflect these requirements.

Guidance for schools is also available from the Equality Commission NI.

Professional Development

CCMS provides a variety of support, in particular to 1st time principals and vice principals. A range of courses & events are available through the Education Authority's 'School Development Service'. Register for a course/event and book a place at

Guidance Documents

Guidance on FE(ST) Act (NI) 2022 for Schools
Updated Scheme for the Appointment of Teachers (May 2024)
Updated Scheme for the Appointment of Principals & Vice Principals (May 2024)
NIAO Good Practice Guide to School Governance
CCMS Scheme of Management
Circular 2022/15 - The procedure for transfer from primary to post-primary education
Post-primary transfer guidance from September 2016.
Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against a Member of Staff
Download above as a word document
Effective Governance for High Quality Education
Exceptional Closure of Schools Due to Adverse Weather
Guidance on Boards of Governors and Schools on Schools Development Planning
Guidance to Boards of Governors and Schools on Schools Development Planning
ID Validation form govs and vols.2022 (Access NI)
Procedure for the Awarding of Management Allowances in Catholic Maintained Schools
Scheme for the Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils
Teacher Attendance Procedure
Volunteer - Unsupervised
TNC 2014-06 Grievance Procedure
TNC 2016-02 Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers
TNC 2016-03 Disciplinary Procedure Notes of Guidance
2008-01 Format of Board of Governors Minutes
2009-18 Flexible Working Hours
2009-19 Temporary Variation to Contract
2009-20 Career Break Scheme
2009-21 TNC 2009/04 Job Share Scheme
2009-30 Policy and Procedure to Combat Bullying and Harassment
2010-13 Career Break Scheme - CCMS Circular
2012-25 Code of Practice on Reporting Malpractice (Whistleblowing)-Updated
2013-15 Procedure for Supporting Effective Leadership by School Principals
2013-16 Procedure for Supporting Effective Teaching in Schools
2016-02 - TNC 2016/1 Appropriate use of the NISTR and Engagement of Substitute Teachers in all Schools
2016-10 - Termination of Temporary Employment
2019-05 Model School Parental Complaints Procedure
Recruitment and Selection - Principal Checklist/Request to Place an Ad - PDF document
Recruitment and Selection - Principal Checklist/Request to Place an Ad - Word document
No events found
As part of Catholic Schools Week, the year 7 pupils in St James’ Primary School, Newtownabbey, are performing an assembly for Grandparent's Day on Thursday 23 January.
St Mary's Primary School, Aughlisnafin were presented with a cheque for £1,500 from Tesco's, Newcastle.
CCMS Lisburn, Third Floor, Linen Hill House, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1FJ
028 9201 3014
© 2025 Council For Catholic Maintained Schools